-Historical perspective of Indian Cultural heritage:

-Literature and Art forms from ancient times to 1947 (Major structural and rock-cut temple architecture, sculptural art and major schools of paintings).

Modern Indian history from mid- 18thcentury to 1980.

-Freedom Struggle: its various stages and the role of eminent personalities from different parts of India.


-Industrial Revolution and the emergence of Capitalism.

-Fascist Ideology and its global implications.

-World Wars and boundary settlements after the First and the Second World Wars.

-Concept of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization and concept of Modernity.


-Emergence and growth of early medieval states: Kangra, Kullu and Chamba. Hill States and their relations with the Mughals and the Sikhs.

-Gorkha invasion- its nature and consequences, Treaty of Segauli.

-Hill States under the Colonial power: Political and Administrative History. Grants, Sanads and territorial aggression.

-Social and Economic conditions under colonial period with special reference to social practices of Beth, Begar and Reet.

-Establishment of British Cantonments.

-National Movement with special reference to Praja Mandal movements in Himachal Pradesh, 1848-1948.

-Five Year Plans and vision for the developed Hill State.

-Survey of artistic and cultural Heritage (Temples, Budhist Monasteries and Paintings).



-Introduction to Disasters: Concepts, definitions, disaster classifications including natural and man-made disasters.

-Social and Environmental impacts of disasters.

-Disaster profile of the country.

-Approaches to Disaster Risk Reductions.

-Disaster management models. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders.

-Interrelationship of disaster and development.

-Disaster management in India including Disaster Management ACT 2005, National and state policies, Plans and institutional mechanism in the country.


-Geographical Introduction to India, India as a unit of Geographical Study.

-Aspects of the Physical Geography of India – Structure and Relief, Climate, Soils and Vegetation, Geomorphic set up (Mountain Ranges and Rivers and other Water Bodies).

-Human Aspects – Population distribution, Urban Population, Internal Migration.


-Geography of Himachal Pradesh: Relief, Drainage, Vegetation cover and types.

-Climate and climatic zones in Himachal Pradesh.

-Geographical Regions of Himachal Pradesh (Shiwalik, Doons and Low Valleys, Outer Valleys of Sub Himalaya, Mid Hill Tracts of High Himalaya, High hills and Valleys and Inner Zones).

-Human Aspects: Quantitative, Qualitative and Temporal characteristics of Population, Urbanisation pattern.

-Policies: Forest, Industrial and Tourism Policies, Growth of Industrial areas and types of Industries in Himachal, Employment generation and potential, Scope of future Industrialization, Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Profile of Himachal Pradesh.



-Salient features of Indian Society, Unity in Diversity.

-Social Institutions: Family, Marriage, Kinship, Religion and Social stratification in India.

-Women empowerment and social justice: Policies for women Empowerment in India, Laws for protection of women, women security and safety initiatives in India.

-Child Rights and Right to Education.

-Rights of differently-able persons and quality of life for them.


-Core Values in public service / governance.

-Philosophical basis of public service / governance and Integrity, Professionalism, Accountability.

-Objectivity and Transparency, information sharing and right to information, codes of conduct, work culture, challenges of corruption and political pressures.

-Gandhian Thought: Truth and Non-violence, Satyagraha, Ends and Means, Religion and Politics.


-Society and Culture in Himachal Pradesh: Culture, customs, fairs and festivals, and religious beliefs and practices, recreation and amusement.

-Tribes of Himachal Pradesh: their historical, social, cultural, economic and legal aspects.

-Family, marriage, kinship, and caste system in Himachal Pradesh.